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Airlift hindi movie hd online

All KSC Facilities can now be upgraded through levels (currently 3 levels implemented for all facilities).Added new models for KSC facilities at each level.

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  • KSC Facilities now start at level 1 (in Career Mode), and can be upgraded to top level separately.
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  • Upgrading Facilities costs Funds, lots of Funds.
  • Repair Cost of destroyed structures varies depending on facility level.
  • (Higher-Level Facilities are more expensive to repair)
  • Vehicle Assembly Building / Spaceplane Hangar.
  • Increase Mass Limit for launched vessels.
  • Increase Size Limit for launched vessels.
  • Unlock EVA Surface Sample experiment (requires EVA on Astronaut Complex).
  • Unlock Flight Planning (Requires Patched Conics in Tracking Station).
  • All KSC Facilities in all levels are destructible (except level 1 runway and level 1 launchpad, which are indestructible).
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    Hold ^ Ctrl while Right-Clicking over KSC Facilities to display 'extra' options concerning upgrade levels.Expanded Context Menu for KSC Facilities, to allow upgrading and viewing the current (and next) level stats.Hovering over the Upgrade button on the Facility Context Menu will display stats for the next level.

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  • Space Center ground sections and Crawlerway change levels based on level of neighboring facilities.
  • The Flag Pole in front of the Astronaut Complex will change levels based on the average level of all KSC Structures.
  • Added new 2D interior backdrops for Level 1 and 2 UT of the Astronaut Complex, archives tab in the Research and Development, Mission Control and Administration Facility.Added new 3D interior scenery for Level 1 and 2 Vehicle Assembly Building and Space Plane Hangar.Interior Scenery loads based on current editor Facility and Facility Level.The KSC as seen from the editor facilities will change to reflect current level and destruction state of visible facilities outside.Exterior Scenery (out-the-door view) loads based on current editor Facility (VAB or SPH).Editor scenery now loads independently of the editor scene.

    Airlift hindi movie hd online